christina_reads Jan 08, 2012 16:41
country: india, genre: fiction, challenge: 12 in 12, genre: adventure, country: america, country: france, country: japan, country: china, challenge: back to classics 2012, challenge: what's in a name 5, genre: classics, reviews, era: 19th century, country: ireland, era: victorian, country: england
christina_reads Mar 15, 2011 15:10
challenge: mystery and suspense, books: series, genre: fiction, genre: mystery, reviews, challenge: 11 in 11, challenge: five and dime, genre: suspense, country: america, era: contemporary, country: ireland
christina_reads Dec 25, 2009 01:42
genre: fiction, genre: fairy tales, genre: gothic, genre: romantic, country: ireland, reviews, genre: fantasy
christina_reads Nov 10, 2009 12:54
award: pulitzer, challenge: 100project, genre: nonfiction, challenge: 999 challenge, country: ireland, reviews, genre: memoir
christina_reads Jul 14, 2009 22:19
challenge: 999 challenge, era: 18th century, country: ireland, reviews
christina_reads Jun 28, 2009 22:13
misc: cover art, genre: romance novel, challenge: 100project, genre: mystery, challenge: 999 challenge, country: ireland, reviews
christina_reads Apr 29, 2009 19:37
era: medieval, genre: fiction, genre: fairy tales, genre: romantic, country: ireland, reviews, genre: fantasy
christina_reads Apr 08, 2009 12:00
genre: mystery, challenge: 999 challenge, country: ireland